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A Few Things

Hello, Friends. How are you? How was your week? The biggest thing for us this week is that the new school year began. Oscar started 10th grade (it’s the first year of le lycée in France). Betty started 9th grade (it’s the last year of college in France). And Flora June started 5th grade (it’s called CM2 in France).

I realized my youngest child was starting the last year of elementary school and it definitely hit me with all the mom feels. I’ve had at least one child in elementary for the last two decades!

Classes are happening in-person here in Normandy. If you’d like to hear about the school safety precautions, here’s a post I wrote in July when the kids returned to school after quarantine.

Today we’ll be working over at the Tall House. The tile for the bathrooms is being delivered! (Remember the Winckelmans factory tour?)

I’ve been online quite a bit this week, as I managed responses to my latest Twitter thread, and I’ve found lots of good stuff. Here are a few things I’ve wanted to share with you:

New reporting from the Atlantic. Trump called the Marines who died at Belleau Wood “losers” and “suckers”. He also insulted the intelligence of service members and wanted wounded vets kept out of military parades.

-Disgusting, right? Think this is a first? Not at all. Here’s a thread of 12+ instances where Trump demonstrated how much he dislikes people who serve in the military, all documented with links, and complied by a person who served in the military. (But sure, keep telling me Biden & Trump are “equally bad”.)

-The electoral college has created a significant probability of minority rule for its entire history.

-Russia and Trump are both spewing disinformation about mail-in voting, right now, at the same time. That seems totally normal.

-For those inventing the idea of “Black Lives Matter riots.” BLM doesn’t “riot.” They march against police violence. And note that those caught setting fires, assaulting and shooting people are consistently of the RIGHT, not the left.

-The NRA’s chief of staff says: “Gun owners across America…should be horrified by what I saw inside of the NRA.”

-Old Navy said that it will pay store employees for eight hours who serve as poll workers for the 2020 election. The company said employees “will also be eligible for compensation from their local jurisdiction.”

-Have you considered signing up to be a poll worker? It’s too risky this year for senior citizens.

-Wait. Is this for real? There are “friends of cops” cards that get you special treatment if you’re pulled over?

-Do you prefer city living, suburb living, or rural living?

-Trump’s popularity slips in latest Military Times poll — more troops say they’ll vote for Biden.

-I’m on my second tub of Cerave SA for rough and bumpy skin. I’ve found that it’s really improving things!

Here are some tweets I saved for you:

-Sometimes it feels like we have no comprehension of death toll.

-I’m curious how a Mcconnell supporter would justify this?

-In case you need to hear this.

Four times more deadly! That is shockingly horrible. I’ve read about this many times, and it shocks me every time.

-This video is so powerful.

-You know it’s the right thing to do.

This is profound.

-If you want to feel really angry read an article about civil forfeiture.

-Don’t you dare say: Well if they hadn’t resisted, if they had complied, they wouldn’t have been shot.

Don’t believe they hype of protests-are-riots.

-The ones with the guns are domestic terrorists.


I hope you have a wonderful weekend. I’ll meet you back here on Monday. I miss you already.


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