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A Few Things

Hello, Friends. How are you? Our school year is almost done! Oscar and Betty have their last day today, and Flora June’s last day will be Tuesday. We’re almost there! Olive’s Au Pair position ends next Friday, and she’ll join us for the summer after that.

We’re started to turn our attention to summer plans. We’re hoping to fit in three road trips — one West to the coast of Brittany; one North to Lille and the surrounding area; one South to Marseilles and the Calanques National Park. And yes, we’re paying attention to the news, and if anything changes in France covid-wise, we will adjust/cancel our plans. Thankfully, right now things are still looking good here.

How about some links? Here are a few things I’ve wanted to share:

-What We Know About the Killing of Elijah McClain.

-A really helpful visual investigation by the NYT about the June 1st protest in Philadelphia.

-“Brexit is set to have cost the UK more than £200 billion in lost economic growth by the end of this year”. The UK only paid £215 billion into the EU budget since 1973.

-We just hit a record-high for new covid-19 cases, and CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield said today that for every case that’s reported, there are likely 10 other (unreported) infections.

-Two new studies find racial anxiety is the biggest driver of support for Trump.

Five women veterans who deserve recognition on U.S. military bases (currently there are no installations on U.S. military bases honoring women vs. ten honoring Confederate traitors).

-The My Little Pony fandom has a Nazi problem.

-Earl Sampson was stopped by Miami Gardens police 258 times in 4 years. He was searched more than 100 times, arrested and jailed 56 times. He was even arrested for trespassing at his own job.

-How much does it cost to hire a babysitter these days?

-Officials credit Taiwan’s success to its early decision to stockpile & distribute face masks. Within 4 months, companies increased production from 2M to 20M units per day, enabling the island to ration and distribute masks to residents on a regular basis.

-So many people have parents, spouses, friends, etc., who have been swallowed by the deep state Qanon garbage. It’s not fringe and it’s not benign. Here’s a podcast series about it.

-We gave Ben Blair a red Superdry hoodie for Father’s Day to replace one he bought last time we lived here. They are such good quality and last so long!

Here are some tweets I saved for you:

-An important thread about childcare and the pandemic.

I do this too.

China didn’t steal your job.

-Not sure what qualified immunity is? A quick summary.

I had a lot to learn.

-A thread of quotes said by real judges in court during rape trials.

Do you agree?

I hope you have a good weekend. I’ll meet you back here next week. I miss you already.


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