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A Few Things

Hello, Friends. Happy May Day! It’s Labor Day in France today. Schools and shops would normally close today, and they are — but it feels so different this year. President Macron spoke last night and told everyone that he knows today is normally a celebratory day, and that he’s sad this year that there can be no celebrations.

On a happier note, one sweet French tradition is to give little bouquets of Lily of the Valley on May 1st. Apparently, on the first of May in 1561, France’s King Charles IX was given a Lily of the Valley flower as a lucky charm and liked it so much that he decided to offer them each to the ladies of the court.

Other things to report: We cleared lots of rubble at the new house this week, and Flora June asked for a haircut — we cut off 9 inches! Her curls have bounced right up. And Betty finished reading Emma, and wants to watch some of the movie adaptations. Last night we watched the Gwyneth Emma. Tonight, we’ll watch Clueless. And tomorrow we’ll watch the new Emma.

Ready for links? Here are a few things I’ve wanted to share:

-Data suggests twice as many excess deaths in March and early April. Take away traffic fatalities from “expected” death rate, and the deaths due to COVID-19 number is probably even higher.

A Ramadan Like No Other: Images From Around the World.

-I can’t fathom 5000 gigatons.

-Six weeks (or more) into self-quarantine, editors of academic journals have noticed that women — who typically shoulder more family responsibility — seem to be submitting fewer papers than usual. And men are submitting more.

-What do your kids call your grandparents?

-Many of the tax benefits in the stimulus are “just shoveling money to rich people,” said Victor Fleischer, a tax law professor at the University of California, Irvine.

-The Women Asked ICE for Soap. They Got Pepper-Sprayed Instead.

Wealth shown to scale.

-I want this Marimekko dress from Uniqlo. Here’s more of the collaboration.

Here are some tweets I saved for you:

-Have you considered the idea that your isolating-at-home is a political act?

-Please read this thread by Tarana Burke, founder of the #metoo movement.

-What words have changed you?

-I wonder if we’ll ever have an accurate count.

-Hah! Memes created by artificial intellgence.

Good question.

This thread probably deserves it’s own post. Such a good parenting discussion.

-We’ve all accidentally taken part in a carbon-reducing action, and we’ve learned we need changes at a big structural level.

-Interesting thoughts on the 1920s.

This thread is an adventure!

-A thread on American manufacturing in China over the last 25 years.

-I would watch this all day long.

-Who says you’re unproductive?

I hope you have a wonderful weekend. I’ll meet you back here on Monday. I miss you already.


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