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A Few Things

Hello, Friends. How are you? What’s been going on with you?

We had another media interview this morning — this time with the newspaper Ouest France. We were first interviewed by a journalist on Monday, and then they sent a photographer and journalist today for a follow-up interview. It’s fun to have such a warm welcome to France!

Other than that, my time is mostly taken up with Alt Summit these days. The conference is one month away, so there’s lots to do. But it’s exciting too!

I’m not sure what our weekend plans are. Maybe some shopping. Probably lots of email. How about you? Are you ready for the weekend? And ready for some links? Here are a few things I’ve wanted to share with you:

-This week marked 34 years since the Challenger exploded. I was in sixth grade, and the teacher, Mr. Humphrey, brought in a rollaway TV so we could watch the news coverage. At that time, the oldest Gen Xers were 22.

-Stress Really Does Make Hair Go Gray Faster. (NYT)

-“Women with Asperger profiles are less likely to be diagnosed and more likely to be misdiagnosed.”

New Barbie dolls feature vitiligo and hairless models.

-A tiny film to mark the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz.

-I love following historians on Twitter, so I was happy to see this article from the New Yorker. Meet the Twitterstorians: historians with Twitter accounts, who have been attracting big followings with their historically informed takes on the dumpster fire that is America in the year 2020.

-What do you want your kids to inherit?

-Today I Learned That Not Everyone Has An Internal Monologue And It Has Ruined My Day.

-My daughter Olive swears by CeraVe moisturizer. What’s your favorite body lotion these days?

Here are a some tweets I saved for you:

-We’ve trained ourselves to watch movies empathetically.

-How men draw women vs. how women draw themselves.

-Do you agree with this take on sex drive?

-A thread on the idea of overpopulation-as-myth. It’s a take I haven’t heard before.

-Yes please to these measuring cups.

-It takes time to build something good.

-What should the minimum wage be today?

-Need bra recommendations? Try this thread.

I hope you have a happy weekend. I’ll meet you back here on Monday. I miss you already.


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