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A Few Days In Empty Paris

On Sunday afternoon, we drove to Paris. On Tuesday afternoon, we drove back. I shared a little report about our visit on Instagram Stories and thought you might like to see it as well.

The main purpose for our trip? Olive is starting college in Paris! She was accepted to a Film Directors program at EICAR and her classes started this week. So exciting!

So we needed to sign her housing contract and confirm her class schedule and begin to get her settled.

It was strange to see Paris empty. In the Before time, if we had happened on the Musée D’Orsay museum and found it empty, it would have felt like a score(!), but these days I find it makes me nervous. The question nags at the back of my mind as I wander the museum: Will Paris recover? And if/when it does, will it be different? On a non-worried note: the art at the D’Orsay still moves me, even in a pandemic

It was a good, short visit, and I can’t wait to tell you more about Olive’s school, and housing and the whole thing. She doesn’t have classes on Thursday this week, so she’ll be coming back to Normandy, and we’ll finish packing her up and run any last errands for supplies. Then she’ll do the final moving in on Friday.

How are your college kids doing this year? Are they doing in-person classes? Digital only? Are they taking classes from home? Living in the dorms? Some other arrangement that helps them feel independent? I’d love to hear.

P.S.— Find more from our quick trip to Paris in the highlight called Paris 10/2020.

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