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A Coastal Cozy White Cottage

My biggest dream has come true: I get to do what I love with my boys right by my side. When I look at this photo all of our hard work is visible here. This is a dream job & I’m so thankful to be here, I will never take any of this for granted. At the book signing, someone asked me when/if there was a moment where I got used to doing things like this. And honestly, I don’t think I ever will, it is so surreal to me that so many of you follow the blog, our lives, and the book. It is something I am truly grateful for but I’m not sure I’ll ever get used to it.

You guys know that I went through something pretty difficult recently, and when I’m ready I plan to share about them … But the book signing this weekend at Rehab Vintage Market was exactly what I needed! It was such a great reminder of how amazing our community is, how you guys truly are my friends because when we meet in real life each of you feels like an old friend instantly, & how this little book of mine has brought us the coolest opportunities like these book signings where I get to hug so many of you. I cannot express how thankful I am to be invited to so many places for book signings. I had an incredible time at Rehab Vintage Market & I loved seeing you guys get to know each other as you waited in line and support their incredible shop!

A little glimpse at our book signing at Rehab Vintage Market:

I had to share a peek of Rehab Vintage Market with you guys because it seriously is so gorgeous! Before the book signing, I had seen pictures of their shop, but it did not do it justice it is even more beautiful in person. One thing I really loved about their shop is that it is actually an old house that they converted into a store. They use the layout of the house to their advantage to create the cutest little rooms for you to explore through. Each of their vendors styles a vignette or two in their style to curate a beautiful store. I love that they had a variety of styles represented in their shop from vintage, cottage, farmhouse, coastal, and more! If you live in Melbourne or are ever visiting the area I would highly recommend visiting their shop.

A little mini tour of Rehab Vintage Market:

We also had the incredible opportunity to stay in a cozy white cottage by the beach while we visited Melbourne! Heather from Rehab Vintage Market styled this cozy white cottage and was absolutely gorgeous. The floors were painted pure white and were just so beautiful, I can’t lie it made me want to come home and repaint our floors (again). Each room was styled so beautifully and made us feel right at home in Florida. I took a few photos in the cottage to share with you guys so you could see how gorgeous it was! They are considering turning this into an Airbnb & I honestly don’t know if it would be possible to find a cuter Airbnb than this!

Here is a mini tour of the cozy white cottage we stayed in:

Having opportunities like this is something I truly will never get used to, it is surreal to me that you guys all follow along with this Michigan girl living on her farm. I’m so thankful to have a community that is as supportive as you guys. I can’t wait to meet more of you as we continue to do more book signings, head over here to see my upcoming book signings! Thank you so much for visiting the blog, liking my posts, buying my book, coming to book signings and everything that you guys do. Xx Liz Marie


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