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Style Scouting: Vol. 31

Before I get to this week’s links to all things I found inspiring online this week, I wanted to say thank you to everyone for the nice comments and emails you left me. XO They lifted my spirits quite a bit.

I am feeling much better and looking forward to feeling like myself again.

After explaining what I have been going through the past few weeks via my newsletter to my blog subscribers, I realized that readers who don’t get the newsletter had no idea what all the well-wishes in the comment section of my last post titled: Do I Have a Secret About Decorating were all about. 🙂

Since that post was about a decorating subject, I didn’t want to include personal stuff, so I wrote about what was going on in my life in my newsletter.

For readers that don’t subscribe who read the comments in the post wondered if they missed a post, you didn’t. In a nutshell – I have been dealing with a hip problem and going to PT. I cut the tip of my left index finger off while cutting kale and got Shingles for a second time even having had the shot.

Dealing with one of these can be stressful, but 3 at the same time has left me a little out of sorts.

Thank you for your thoughts and kind words sent my way. XO 🙂

Februweary adj. The state of being over winter

It’s been quite a week for the weather record books. If you are in Texas or areas hard hit with snow and power outages, I hope life is getting back to normal for you.


If you need some cheery color and touches of Spring in your day, you can find some colorful inspiration here: Spring and Easter Ideas for your home.


When your decor needs a refresh, doing this may be just what it needs.

Two weeks ago I wrote about DIY’ing one of these. I really like their function but also the decorative aspect of them.

Do you like this kitchen design trend?

If you like looking at all kinds of houses. You will enjoy this Instagram acct.

Add Spring to your home using a tin can.


This clever DIY.

One very cool IKEA hack.


If you like Pizza – have you ever had this on it?

Have you ever made eggs for breakfast this way? They look pretty good.

I will be making this easy, yet warm and hearty dinner this week.


Need a dose of confidence?

Have you tried this stain remover? I just ordered it after being told it was the best for removing just about any stain new or old on not only your clothes, but upholstery and more.

Are you getting the right kind of rest? I didn’t realize there are different types.

To infinity, and beyond…

Some very good everyday tips.


Who lets the dogs out?

Ed and I will watch the last two episodes of Longmire on Netflix tonight and I am already sad that we have watched the whole series and it had to end. 🙁 Are you watching anything good lately on Netflix or Prime. I could use some recommendations.

If you enjoy these posts – You can find past Style Scouting posts here.

And…If you’re catching up on blog posts you may have missed, be sure to sign-up to get my newest posts via email to stay up to date with everything that’s happening here on the blog and more.

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In My Own Style


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