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Kale & Pumpkin Porch Steps

This year I have decided to do a few fall porch looks because… why not? This first one was so fun to put together because I got Copey and Jose involved & we all put together this fall porch that consists of simply pumpkins and kale. I usually throw mums in all of my fall porches so it was fun to do something different & a little bit more about the pumpkins…

All of these pumpkins are from our farm & another local farm near us. I meant to grow more pumpkins this farm, but my crops didn’t produce as many as years past, but it’s also rewarding to support other local farms as well. I went with orange, green, & blue up here on these steps & I loved that moody fall color pallet against these white steps of the porch.

All of these pumpkins are from our farm & another local farm near us. I meant to grow more pumpkins this farm, but my crops didn’t produce as many as years past, but it’s also rewarding to support other local farms as well. I went with orange, green, & blue up here on these steps & I loved that moody fall color pallet against these white steps of the porch.

To put this porch together I kept it pretty symmetrical and kept it the same all the way up the steps with the kale & pumpkin placement. I started on the top steps & as I went down I basically repeated a pattern the whole way down with color and size of pumpkin. In the end it looks cohesive and put together. In years past I went a little messier, but this was a fun different look to try being so symmetrical.

I’ll be back with more fall porch step looks, but I hope this one inspired you in some way. You can see more of my fall looks [HERE] in the meantime! We had a fun time playing with the pumpkins and setting this look up.. I hope it’s as inviting to our guests as it is to us. Thank you all for stopping by the blog today & every single day to see what we are up to. Don’t forget to pin this look for later! xx

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