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3 Tips For Preparing Your Home For an Open House

If you’re wanting to sell your home quickly, one of the best ways to do this is to hold an open house. At an open house, anyone who’s interested in your home or in buying a home in general will come to your property to check it out during a specific window of time.

While having other people there considering buying the home can help to create a sense of urgency for some buyer, if your home is irresistible, your open house could prove to be very effective for the sale of your home.

To help you get your home to this irresistible level, here are three tips for preparing your home for an open house.

Don’t Forget Your Home’s Exterior

Although your mind might be primarily focused on getting things ready on the interior of your home, it’s good to keep in mind that the very first things any visitors will see is the exterior of your home, including your landscaping.
Don’t Forget Your Home’s Exterior

Because of this, Teresa Mears, a contributor to U. S. News and World Report, recommends that you spend some time freshening up the outside of your home and your landscaping. If you haven’t planted flowers in a while, consider getting a few to line your home or the walkway to your front door. And if your home is looking dirty and dingy, you may want to add a fresh coat of paint or at least power wash all the grime away from both your exterior of your home and your driveway.

Remove All Clutter

To most effectively encourage people to seriously consider making you an offer during an open house, you’ve got to make it easy for them to picture themselves and their life within the walls of that home.

To help you with this, Valerie Kalfrin, a contributor to HomeLight.com, recommends that you remove anything from the home that has a strong tie to you, like pictures of your family, your own last name, or other pieces that are sentimental to you. Along with this, you should also try to remove as much clutter from the space as you can. This will make it much easier for people to envision how their belongings will fit in the space once yours are completely gone.
Remove All Clutter

Get Rid Of Any Unwanted Scents

In addition to trying to get people to fantasize about themselves living in your home, you also want to do everything you can to get rid of anything that would discourage them from wanting to live there, including eliminating any unwanted scents that may be lingering in the space.

If you can’t smell these things on your own, consider asking a friend or neighbor to sniff around from anything that smells weird. Then, Elizabeth Weintrub, a contributor to The Balance, recommends that you open all your windows and let some fresh air waft inside.

For your upcoming open house, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you prepare your home for a successful event.

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