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Home Staging and Renovations: How to Prepare Your House for Auction

Whether you are a couple who is wanting a new environment, a family needing more room or a newly retired pair who may want that sea or tree change and may want to downsize, you are now, more than likely, in the mindset of wanting to sell your home.

Sure, we all know about how an auction goes and wanting a certain sale price, yet what about the preparation? What goes into grabbing that elusive buyer? How do we make sure that the open for inspection actually leads to a potential sale?

Well here are some of the tips and tricks that can prepare you and your house and help net you that perfect buyer at auction.

Prepare the Stage:

When it comes to setting up your home for sale, it is best to remember that you are removing yourself from the space.

While you want a good sales result, the impression you are trying to give is NOT that of your own personal style, but that of what you want to convey and will draw people to invest their money at the auction.

A great way to do this is to highlight and promote the space. Interiored, who do home staging, can be a lifesaver.

This process, through the help of setting out a layout by professional designers, can help give a mock-up layout to potential buyers and investors about the size of the space, and you can keep it on-site until after the auction.

Repair and Update:


One of the other ways you can do some prep for auction and improve the valuation of the house is to do some DIY renovation projects.

Now, I’m not calling on you to knock down walls or make areas physically bigger at the last minute, but you’d be amazed at the smallest things you can do to give the illusion of space and grandeur and how it can appeal to a buyer’s impression.

From a well-placed mirror in the bathroom to a painting touch up, there are a number of small tasks that can potentially raise the value of the house and a higher value can potentially mean a higher sale price.

Consider a Professional Deep Clean:

When preparing for the auction, you want to make a good impression. This is where “preparing your home to be viewed by potential buyers may require hiring a professional cleaning crew.”

It may seem expensive, but keeping up on helping the property sparkle while you still occupy it in the lead-up to the day can be a good decision in the long term.

For it is wise to keep the property as clean as you can in order to make a good impression come auction day.

Declutter, De-personalise but Create a Welcome Environment:

In the lead-up to the auction, this is the time to detach, declutter and depersonalise from the property. Remove your personal belongings first, particularly those with sentimental value.

While this can be difficult, with the build-up of memories, it is necessary to remove your personal feelings from the sale and remind yourself that it is leading to a new beginning and a new occupant.

On the day, as part of the preparation, create a welcoming atmosphere. Depending on the season, those such as a warm fire can help draw in the potential buyers.



Therefore, when it comes to preparing your home for auction, it is best to remember that you are opening up to new opportunities and new beginnings.

So in preparation, prepare yourself for a new adventure and I wish you the best of luck in your real estate ambitions. Good luck!

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