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8 Tips To Keep Your Garden Termite-Free

Based on statistics, it is reported that termites do more damage to Australian properties than bush fires, storms and flooding combined. Fortunately, there are 8 top tips which if followed, will keep your garden termite-free and protect your overall property.

Annual professional check up

For the best advice about termite control in Melbourne, residents should ensure they keep the number of their local pest control experts handy and call them in on a regular basis for a full check and inspection of the garden and home. At the same time, you can ask them for advice around the best methods and treatment to use in your garden. If you have wooden outbuildings such as summer houses or sheds in the garden or log stores, make sure they are included in the annual inspection as well to keep the garden termite-free.

Replace wooden outdoor furniture

Replace wooden outdoor furniture

Termites love wood, they tunnel through it using it as a food source, a place to build nests and to breed. So, look to replace outdoor chairs and tables made of wood, with other materials not so attractive. Metal or plastic picnic tables and chairs come in a range of colours and designs to suit all households and styles. To maintain termite control, property owners need to think about investing in termite proof outdoor furniture which will also withstand the elements as well as pesky burrowing insects.

Give your wood a lift

If you cannot get rid of wooden outbuildings or furniture entirely in the garden, then raise them off the ground by at least 15 cm. This will allow for air flow underneath the wood and stop it from becoming damp. Termites love a damp and moist woody substance to make their homes, so keeping wood off the ground or away from water sources means it is less likely termites will want to stay in your garden.

Maintain wooden structures

If there are any cracks or fissures in sheds or wooden play structures, this is the perfect invitation for a termite to enter in and start wreaking devastation. As part of the regular maintenance and upkeep in the garden, make sure to check all the wooden structures in place. To keep on top of termite control, residents need to ensure they seal up any splits to the outside structures and replace rotting material with new.

Keep clutter to a minimum

It is not just wood that attracts termites but also cardboard boxes, which if left unattended at the backs of garages or sheds, could see a termite colony moving in and making the most of any nearby wooden structures. When working in the garden or unloading deliveries near the kitchen door or garage, remember to dispose of cardboard boxes and well as any unused packing material. The same goes for removing wooden plant debris when pruning trees or bushes. Make sure that any compost heap is also kept well away from the home and that non-cellulose material is used to make the sides of the compost holder.

Clear up in the garden

Clear up in the garden
Termites are a pest that like others, enjoy a certain amount of dirt and debris. If you keep your garden in a neat and tidy condition, not only are you more like to see the beginnings of a termite nest, but there will be little debris for them to use as food and shelter. Sweep up leaves, plant trimmings and grass and dispose of them, if you have pets make sure you pick up after them and make the garden a safe and clean haven not a tip.

Treat garden furniture

If you do want to retain your wooden garden furniture, then there are some pesticides that you might want to consider using to keep the garden termite-free. Those that contain boric acid will kill these pests, if they have started to come into the garden but it is very important to read the instructions for use and to wear the appropriate gloves, to avoid getting the substance onto your hands and skin.

Get the garden re-treated

If you have moved into a new property with a beautifully landscaped garden, and the vendors have confirmed they have given the garden a termite treatment then don’t rest on your laurels. As soon as you begin to dig, mow, and trim back the new plants and foliage, a newly landscaped garden will start to lose its protection. Keeping the garden termite-free means getting in the professionals to treat the whole garden and ensure that termites do not make their way back in and head for your home to continue their destructive lifestyle.
Get the garden re-treated
Bear these tips in mind and contact the best local termite control specialists today to keep termites away from your garden.

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