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5 Signs Your Gutters And Downpipes Are Failing You

Here in Sydney, we are lucky enough to experience some pretty breathtaking storms that bring with heavy, life-giving rains. Although this awe-inspiring act of Mother Nature is humbling to watch and good for the garden, your home can take quite a beating.

Luckily, that’s what gutters and downpipes are for! The gutters collect and divert rainwater away from the exterior of your home by draining into the downpipes, which transport it to the ground drains. Without these features, rainwater would pour down every surface of your home’s exterior and cause considerable damage.

For Northern Beach homeowners, this drainage system is the first roofing component to go thanks to an accumulation of leaves. Now, we’re not just talking a basic blockage. Local trees, especially the Eucalyptus, have leaves that contain an acidic, corrosive chemical.

Extreme blockages or many over time will cause the metal to corrode and the system to fail. You must get your gutters and downpipes repaired or replaced to prevent erosion, leaks, paint damage, moulding, and basement flooding.

But, how do you know when you need professional help? Here are some warning signs that your gutters and downpipes need replacing or repairing.

#1 Rusting


For metal gutters and downpipes, rusting and corrosion are signs that they need replacing or repairing before they succumb to it. Although metal roofing components are the most durable and long-lasting, time waits for no man – or metal.

The first place you will see rust is at the joints, ends, and brackets where your gutter intersects with your downpipe. Look for orange or brown spots, holes, and uneven edges.

#2 Cracking

Unfortunately, many homes are still fitted with ancient PVC draining systems. These are easily cracked when exposed to heavy rains, storms, strain, or impacts. If your gutters and downpipes are plastic, this cracking and splitting can occur no matter their age.

It’s important to regularly check PVC drainage systems, as their susceptibility to cracks will allow water to escape, causing water damage and mould. You may want to consider replacing your gutters and downpipes with metal ones anyway, as they are much more durable and last for much longer.

Contact a qualified roofing expert to get an accurate assessment and comparative quotes to help you make your decision.

#3 Leaning

Over time, gutters can start to pull away from your home’s exterior, giving a ‘leaning’ effect. This prevents them from successfully collecting the rainwater that flows off your roof and creates a serious safety risk if they fall. Aside from the obvious lean, you should also look for water damage and pooling water.

Downpipes are also susceptible to pulling away from the gutters themselves and causing water damage. Look for broken, loose, or missing straps and astragals that secure them to your walls.

#4 Sagging

When gutter troughs start to sage, this indicates that they are failing or an inappropriate size for your home’s needs. They are being pulled down by water weight, which is made worse by missing or broken fasteners.

This is a sign that your gutters are either failing or inefficient. Although repairing could be an option, you will likely need a full replacement to ensure proper protection and correct drainage. Contact your local roofer to get an idea of what is needed.

#5 Peeling

When gutter systems fail and rainwater starts to envelop the exterior structure of your home, it’s not always obvious until it’s too late. Luckily, there are some signs that may seem unrelated but are directly caused by inefficient gutters and downpipes.

Peeling paint and organic growth are definite signs of water damage caused by excess water from leaking gutter systems compromising its integrity. If you notice peeling paint, black spots, or mould, take a closer look at the gutters directly above those sections for leaks.

Whether your gutter system needs replacing or repairing, you need to hire qualified professionals to get the job done right the first time. Here at Grover Metal Roofing, we boast a specialist team of experienced roofers who will provide all the assistance you need.

Contact us today for an assessment or quote and let us put your mind at ease!

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