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5 Scroll Stoppers

A couple of weeks ago I introduced a new weekly roundup that I am calling 5 scroll stoppers; a small compilation of images I’ve found in the last week that completely stop me mid-scroll because of how stunning they are. This week, my inspirations came from a few different creative mediums; from an illustrator to one of my favorite family-owned boutiques. If you didn’t get a chance to check out the past week’s scroll stopper posts, you can check them out here and here.

I love this image via @KristinaKemenikov. She is a wonderful illustrator from Slovakia and this print is just one of my favorites. It reminds me of my favorite children’s book author, Beatrix Potter. I can definitely see a print like this hanging in Cope’s room or playroom in the near future.

This entryway (via @shoppeamberinteriors and @jess_issac) is full of character and warmth. Although this home may be in sunny California, it’s fully cozy. Also… who doesn’t love a good hat?

Anyone who knows me knows that I love The Maple House Co. This picture that they posted (via @themapplehouseco) this week gave me so much inspiration for storing and organizing back stock of goods that I have. Whether it’s cleaning supplies or off-season decorations, this little medicine cabinet is a great way to store things while also looking good.

The dreamy bedroom that was posted by @thecottagejournal looks so cozy! Doesn’t it make you want to curl up and take an afternoon nap? I also love the shape of the ceiling in this room. The curved architecture is something that you don’t see too often anymore.

This mudroom via @thewilddecoelis is so refreshing! On the post, Katie-Rose explains how she longs for the day that she can sit at her table and actually see out of her back door, but I actually love how this looks in the meantime.

How is everyone liking the scroll stoppers? Have any of them inspired you to save your own scroll stoppers? Let me know on Facebook or Instagram! Thank you again for stopping by the blog today!

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