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5 Reasons Why You Need a Property Manager

If you could manage property all by myself, there’s no reason why you need a property manager at all.

Or so many landlords like you have thought.

Being your own property manager might be fulfilling, but things rarely go as planned when you first invest in property. In fact, it’s not even practical if you lack professional property management experience.

If I have professional property management experience, why use a property manager?

The biggest reason why you need a property manager is simply because having an in-between means less stress for you. Your property manager takes care of your property, while you focus on simply enjoying the rewards of your investment.

But there are many more reasons why you need a property manager too. Not sure why you should hire a property manager? Read on to find out.

5 reasons why you need a property manager

1. Property managers help you source for the best housekeeping services


Professional property management requires a lot of services to adequately maintain a property. From basic cleaning and disinfecting solutions to niche landscaping, utility maintenance and pest control, a good property manager should already have connections with vendors who provide these services.

Because property managers are equipped with professional property management experience, they are likelier to have a network and deeper understanding of the best housekeeping service providers and practices.

2. Property managers can provide your tenants with timely on-call service

Sometimes, your tenant may encounter certain issues with your property and may need immediate assistance. In these situations, you will have provide a quick response, especially if the issue severely affects your tenant’s living conditions.

With a property manager watching over your property, he or she can readily provide assistance via an on-call service. Tenants have a direct line of contact to reach out to and reliably get help while you’re busy managing other tasks.

This ensures that you not only have more time to do things that matter to you more, but also maintain a high degree of comfort for your tenants.

3. Property managers act as a single point of contact for all vendors


To provide reliable property management, you’ll need to build and maintain relationships with many service vendors to effectively manage your property yourself.

By hiring a property manager, you can simply tap on their existing relationships and liaise with them for any property servicing needs instead of reaching out to each and every vendor separately.

Because a property manager communicates with all vendors on your behalf, you’ll receive just one consolidated invoice rather than a mess of receipts. This makes it a lot easier to keep your finances in check, and avoid missing any payments.

4. Property managers free up time for you to build your portfolio

Time is your most valuable asset, and a property manager can help you make the most of your time by freeing you up to look for more properties to invest in and expand your portfolio with.

5. Property managers provide seamless housekeeping convenience.

Most property investors will agree that one reason why you need a property manager is that keeping your properties clean and presentable to potential tenants is tiring business.

It’s not just about cleaning your properties regularly. Property managers are likelier to have working relationships with vendors that provide electrical work, cleaning, housekeeping disinfecting and plumbing services. Because of that, they are also likelier to be able to respond faster to any property issues that may arise.

Having a property manager not only maintains your property’s appeal, but also ensures a high level of comfort for your tenants.

That’s why you need a property manager


With a good property manager (Like Butler) by your side, you won’t need to worry about your property, or miss out on another great investment opportunity again.

And that’s it – now you know why you need a property manager. A good property manager can save you a lot of time – time you can use to build an even bigger portfolio for yourself.

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