Home / Home Improvement / 5 Durable, Affordable Roof Options for a Detached Garage

5 Durable, Affordable Roof Options for a Detached Garage

Asphalt shingle roof on a hunter green two-car garage
Consider your home’s roofing style and material before choosing a roof for your detached garage. (DepositPhotos)

Whether you use your detached garage for parking your car or you use it for storage, the entire structure needs to be able to protect what’s inside. This means the exterior needs to be in good condition.

If your garage’s roof is starting to age, it may be time to consider a new one.

While roofing isn’t the most affordable house material on the market, there are several garage roofing options that are both durable and budget-friendly, so you don’t have to choose between your wallet and providing protection for your garage.

Metal roof
Metal roofing’s style has evolved from its industrial origins. Options are available to match just about any home’s architecture.

1. Metal

When it comes to durability, you won’t get much better than metal. Comparing metal roofing with other materials, metal tiles give the longest-lasting, most durable roof for the cost.

You can expect to pay around $ 300 per square for the least expensive metal tiles — more decorative versions get pricey, at around $ 1,000 per square.

A metal roof will last up to 50 years or more. Keep in mind that you still want your detached garage’s roof to match the roof on the rest of your home.

In addition, metal tiles can be heavy, so make sure your garage roof is strong enough to hold them.

TPO roof on a garage
TPO roofing looks good on modern, flat-roofed garages. | ©roongzaa, stock.adobe.com

2. TPO

If your detached garage’s roof is flat or has a very low pitch, TPO — thermoplastic polyolefin — roofing is one option. This single-ply rubberized roofing system stretches tightly across your roof.

For flat roofs, it’s one of the longest lasting, giving up to 40 years of performance. TPO costs around $ 450 per square, or 100 square feet, and does a good job of holding up to rain and the elements.

TPO is often white or light-colored in appearance, so it will give your garage a more contemporary look.

This is a good roof to consider if your home is modern in appearance.

Rolling asphalt onto a modified bitumen roof
Modified bitumen is a flat-roof option that’s darker than TPO. (DepositPhotos)

3. Modified Bitumen

Modified bitumen is an asphalt-based option for flat garage roofs. These roofs, which cost around $ 300 per square, have a classic flat-roof appearance, with a dark-colored body.

They last about 15 years on average, and they’re a good choice if your property is traditional in appearance, and you need your detached garage to blend in rather than stand out.

For the cost alone, bitumen is one of the first choices for garages and outbuildings, so if you have other flat-roofed structures on your property, roofing your garage with this would help create a cohesive look.

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