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5 Backyard Projects to Do While Social Distancing

It seems many of us have more time on our hands than ever due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Social distancing isn’t just responsible; it also offers the perfect opportunity to address our backyards.

If you’re not sure where to begin, here are five projects to tackle.

Backyard Shed
If your shed looks worse for the wear, paint it, install new hardware and add landscaping. (DepositPhotos)

1. Organize, Repair or Replace Your Shed

Sheds are like closets — they’re meant for organizing things but are tough to keep organized! Who isn’t guilty of tossing a shovel or rake any old place after a long day of yard work?

After months — or even years — of neglect, many sheds become so cluttered that just removing supplies you need is the worst part of any outdoor project.

While social distancing, you can tackle this problem once and for all, emptying out your shed and putting everything back in its assigned spot.

Storage sheds are also prone to rot and decay. If you’re handy, shed repair is something you can probably handle yourself. For instance, apply auto body repair to rotting wood and then paint or stain the area.

If the structure is so damaged that it’s a lost cause, consider ripping it up and building a replacement.

Watch: How to Design and Build a Storage Shed for Your Yard

Wheelbarrow loaded up with mulch for adding to the backyard landscaping
Mulch can instantly transform tired flowerbeds (and your home’s exterior). (DepositPhotos)

2. Tend to Your Landscaping

The good thing about backyards is they’re outside, giving you the opportunity to enjoy some fresh air in your own space.

The bad thing about backyards is, well, they’re outside, meaning all kinds of things tend to grow according to nature’s plan. Weeds sprout up in gardens. Mulch erodes. Animals dig up beloved perennials.

All this creates a lot of work.

Use this time of social distancing to get all that work done. Add mulch to areas that need it. Trim any overgrown shrubs or trees, and plant new trees or plants in lifeless areas.

When it comes to your home’s exterior, a little landscaping goes a long way!

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