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4 Ways Wall Stickers Can Brighten Up Your Space

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4 Ways Wall Stickers Can Brighten Up Your Space

4 Ways Wall Stickers Can Brighten Up Your Space

Wall stickers are an amazing way to decorate your space on a budget while still creating that wow-effect. You can go way beyond the standard “live, love, laugh” stickers you can find almost everywhere these days by choosing beautiful customized stickers. This way, you can leave your personal mark on your space – even when it’s rented. 

Wall stickers are made from a thick vinyl that is easy to apply and remove without damaging the paint or leaving any adhesive residue. Also known as wall tattoos or transfer stickers, they are the perfect way to express your creativity! Below, we have collected four examples of how wall stickers can enhance your living space. 

1. Personalize your nursery 

Personalize your nursery

A personalized name sticker adds a lovely touch to your nursery and is a great way to welcome your tiny human into this world. The added unicorn really makes this one an eye-catcher and can easily grow as your child does!

2. Seasonal greetings

Seasonal greetings

If you love your holidays, get them on your wall! This one is a Halloween-themed wall design that really puts you into that gloomy fall mood. All you need now is your pumpkin spice latte, a bunch of movies and a blanket to get super cozy.

3. Express yourself

Express yourself

Put your passions on the wall. No matter if you set your inner crazy cat lady free or get your favorite movie characters on there. These two examples show how versatile wall stickers can be – use them to add that little extra bit of you to your space.

4. Visualiye your mantra

Visualiye your mantra

Wall stickers can help you to stick to your goals and never lose sight of them. Simply get your personal life motto printed and put it right where you are guaranteed to see it every single day. This one is placed perfectly in a working space, reminding you to keep grinding and get your business moving! 

No matter if you call them wall tattoos, transfer stickers or wall stickers; We hope this little selection showed how versatile wall stickers can be and maybe even inspired you to give them a try and brighten up your home. If you are already using wall stickers or have spotted an amazing favorite design, tell us about it in the comments below!

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