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4 Fun Patio Paver Ideas

Over 58% of new American homes have a patio. They can range from a small patch of concrete just big enough for a chair to sprawling resort-style patios with a pool and fire pit.

If your patio is looking lackluster, then consider giving it an upgrade with patio pavers. This simple home upgrade will improve the functionality and look of your patio.

Consider these patio paver ideas for your patio makeover to make it stand out.

1. Curved Lines

Anyone can lay pavers in a straight line. Give yours a unique look by placing them in an artistically curved design. You could create a circle around an existing structure or create a new look by building a curve on your own.

For a subtle effect with the curve, you should keep all of the pavers the same color, style, and shape. If you want to highlight the curve design, you can use different colored pavers. This can create a stunning visual effect.

2. Contrasting Colors

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Don’t be afraid to go bold with your pavers and use contrasting colors. You could create a bold design on the patio floor. Or you could highlight different areas by using the different colors to visually break up the space.

Consider creating a rectangle design that would create the same effect as a rug indoors. This adds a bit of style to your patio without the work of caring for a rug.

Using different types of pavers can enable you to take advantage of the more affordable travertine pavers cost. You can splurge for more expensive pavers to accent or highlight your design.

3. Different Patterns

There are several patterns that you can use to create a unique look to your patio. Try using more than one pattern together to create a visually interesting effect.

Random “I”

This pattern takes rectangular pavers and places them at 90-degree angles. You can create an “I” shape once the pavers are laid out.

Runner Board

These pavers are arranged in lines with the paver shifted off-center from the lines next to it. This is a typical bricklayer pattern.


This elegant design will add a sense of luxury to your patio. The pavers are placed at 90 and 45-degree angles to create a zig-zag pattern.

4. Build With Your Pavers

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Don’t limit your use of pavers to the patio flooring. Use them to create a fire pit that blends in with the rest of your patio. You can have them cover the side and top of the firepit.

You could also use your pavers to create a decorative wall, planter boxes, or grand steps. The pavers will create an upscale custom look to your patio.

Consider These Patio Paver Ideas

If it’s time to upgrade your patio, try these fun patio paver ideas. You can completely change the look and feel of your patio by using pavers to define the space.

Don’t be afraid to get creative in how you lay out the pavers. Use varying paver types, colors, and layout patterns.

Check out the home/DIY section of our blog for more ideas on how to improve your home.

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