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3 Things You Need to Know Before Hiring Painters in Newcastle, NSW

Painting has significant power in your space, whether office, home, or business. The color choice depicts your perception, personality, and greatly affects how others view the color combination. Painting doesn’t just entail renovating old rooms but has an attachment with the items and the room’s final appearance. Color paints determine the size, where some places appear large or smaller according to the painting. If thinking of painting your home or office, there are some considerations which you should make. You can opt to hire or paint yourself, but for perfection, hiring is the best idea. However, one needs to select painters with a good reputation like Painters Newcastle and not basing on the expenses you’ll incur.

The majority of homeowners select painters, basing on saving money. Wrong painting contractors will cost more, adding frustration and confusion. Ensure to go through several companies, get their background history and qualifications, and also the prices. Qualified painters should help in color consultation to get the right color for your space. Color paints should always blend in with the office or home items to create a beautiful balance.


Things you need to know before hiring painters.

Once you decide to renovate your home or office, you can now think of what to consider before hiring a painter. You need a list of painting contractors where you make an informed decision on who to hire.

  • Licensed contractor/painter

Checking the contractor’s license is essential before hiring; some painters are licensed for residential or commercial properties only. There are licenses for a small job, only making it illegal if the company is hired for bulk or big contracts. Ensure your painting company carries the right license, which you should verify whether it fits your kind of property. It’s challenging to authenticate the license by using an online platform to check whether the painter has unresolved issues or if they are recognized.

Professional painting companies ought to have insurance for their work—request for their insurance policy details for confirmation before hiring them for your task. Insurance is essential, considering they are working on your property. The insurance covers any accidents which might happen to the painter or your property. It’s advisable to only hire a painter/contractor with a comprehensive business liability with a considerable amount (million-dollar limit). These assure your property’s safety and that of the painter.


The painting company should also have workmen’s compensation from the insurance point, which protects the painters. This means the workers and property are all protected. The painter should have all valid insurance details before you sign the contract and starting the painting work.

  • Guarantees and warranty

Once you verify the painter’s license and insurance, it best to get a contract to seal the deal. The contract should include a written guarantee for the painting work. Qualified and experienced companies provide their customers with a valid warranty for the painting project’s stipulated period. Many painters offer the guarantee for services such as paint fade, peeling, or cracking before the guarantee and warranty period is done. The service is essential and illustrates professionalism from the painter’s company.

The three considerations are significant to home, office, or business owner before hiring painters in Newcastle, NSW. Once satisfied, you can now consider the reputation, pricing of the company. These also affect the painting work as a good reputation and portfolio of the company to show its services. You can search online and get genuine reviews from other people. It’s also fair to request the company to provide some of their work references to get an idea of what they can do with your property.

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