If you’re hoping to plant the perfect lawn, you’ll need to consider these three insider secrets before you’re able to achieve that vibrantly green, patch-free, and widely-coveted lawn of your dreams. The tips and tricks listed below are easy to follow, even for the most beginner lawn-care enthusiasts, but you’ll need to do your research before you buy your supplies.
There are species of grass designed to hold up in the winter, just as there are grass types that are designed to withstand extremely hot weather in a subtropical climate. Click here to find the perfect grass seed for your area.
You may also want to hire a landscaping company that can help you perfect your lawn, so your front yard can be the talk-of-the-town among your cul-de-sac. If lawn care is of high-priority, you should invest in your lawn, especially when the investment will shine through once you have a lush, green lawn that’s the envy of everyone in your neighborhood—especially those neighbors with a brittle and patchy front yard.
Feeling overwhelmed and don’t know where to start? Here are three secrets you’ll need in your back pocket to achieve that perfect lawn.
Choose the proper type of grass for your region and climate
Most regions get warmer in the summer and cool off in the winter. Some particular region’s temperatures drop significantly in the winter months and experience a bitter cold that can actually threaten the well-being of your plant life.
Before sowing seed, you should research the average weather conditions of your area before you settle on a final decision. You might want to choose a heartier grass seed when your area is prone to extreme cold for a few weeks to a few months of the year. You can also purchase a heartier grass seed for your home if your region experiences extreme heat for a few weeks in the summer.
Overall, it’s very important to study the weather reports of the last few years in preparation for your perfect lawn, so you can forecast the conditions your grass seed will be exposed to and purchase the perfect grass seed type for your area.
Consider how you’ll use your lawn and how much foot traffic you’ll have
Every lawn is different, and families will use their lawns for a variety of different purposes. You’ll need a stronger grass seed if you have a lot of people strolling through or playing in your yard. If your front or backyard doesn’t experience a lot of foot traffic, you can use a generic seed.
Some aspiring lawn-care enthusiasts might own a large property where kids roam freely and play in the backyard for hours every day. If that’s the case, you should make sure that you have a hearty grass seed that can endure those physically-abrasive conditions.
You might also have a designated patch of grass where you entertain guests during outdoor barbeque festivities. You may even be hoping to plant grass that surrounds your pool area. Some homeowners may use their back lawns to perform their daily exercise routines. Whatever purpose your yard serves, make sure to invest in a high-quality grass seed when you know people use the lawn on a regular basis.
The more delicate species of grass seeds are designed for those homeowners who plant grass simply for cosmetic purposes but don’t intend to use their lawns for entertainment purposes. When shopping for grass seed, you should also consider how much shade blankets the lawn.
Your yard might be very hot during the day, but your lawn might be covered by a significant amount of shade. Because extreme temperatures can be wearing on your grass seed, you’ll want to plan accordingly.
Never settle for low-quality grass seed
When you’re choosing grass seed, you’ll need to make sure that you’ve selected a seed that meets certain criteria. Firstly, you should do a soil test to make sure that your soil can sustain your grass seed of choice. During your shopping experience, you can refer to a map that outlines the grass seeds that are best suited to your soil type and regional weather conditions.
For example, St. Augustine or Bermuda grasses are good for the extreme temperatures native to the Southern U.S. Fescue, on the other hand, works for areas of the Midwest, while Kentucky Bluegrass should only be planted in the Northern States.
Understanding that grass seed isn’t a one-size-fits-all scenario is shocking for most current homeowners. As you stroll through the suburbs or drive around a neighborhood away from home, it’s tempting to believe that all lawns sprout from the same seed. Despite their similar appearance, grass seed should be customized to your region’s climate. You need to use the grass seed that is just right for your home.
If your grass is browning, is unusually dry, or if you’re experiencing bare spots, you might want to upgrade to a grass species like Bluegrass, if you suspect that it’s too hot or dry in the summer in your particular area. You can also opt for St. Augustine or Bermuda grass if you live near the coast. If you live in a more temperate climate, there might be a happy medium you haven’t considered.
There are also grass seed blends you can try when you’d like to blend the benefits of multiple different grass seed types. If you buy a blend, make sure that you sow the seed throughout your yard. If you’re only dealing with one dry patch on your lawn, you should avoid applying a blend to restore the health of that particular piece of land, as it never seems to grow properly.
You should also read the ingredient list of the seed bag before purchase. When you scan the ingredients of seed packets, you’ll notice some seeds are filled with non-seed materials. You’ll want to purchase a seed brand that only contains pure grass seed.
Unfortunately, most homeowners who are shopping for grass seed believe that they’re buying pure grass seed, but they would be wrong. During the shopping stage, you’ll need to check for fillers and find a bag that has a grass seed concentration of 95% or more.
Buy grass seed and get started today
Before planting, verify that you’ve purchased the best grass seed for your soil type and regional climate. As you shop for supplies, factor in how your lawn is used, the amount of foot traffic your lawn experiences, and the weather native to your area.
There are a lot of homeowners who strive to make their lawn look perfect, but they have no idea where or how to start. As you begin your research on regional weather patterns and start to review maps that outline the best grass seeds for your area, you can use this insider knowledge to conduct productive research.
Whether you’re preparing for a lawn that accommodates the needs of your energetic children or building a lawn that increases the curb appeal of your home, don’t settle for subpar grass seed. Invest in a high-quality seed that will give you the lawn of your dreams.