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2021 Predictions: The Future of Interior Design

We have always wanted the home to be our sanctuary, but we have not had the time or energy to create it, as we have been busy working outside the home and travelling the world. But the year gone by confined us to our homes and we have realized that there is no place like home. Today, we all want more from our home – a calming haven that is also highly functional and practical to live, work, workout, entertain and celebrate with family and friends. So interior design has to evolve to take care of the new requirements. We spoke to some famous interior designers in Delhi to understand the future of interior design and what their predictions are for 2021. 

All Inclusive Haven: In the coming year, the home will continue to be the place where we will seek refuge from all that is going on outside. It will be our destination for dining in, entertaining and wellness. We would even want to create a relaxed holiday mood because we will still not be free to travel without worrying about the repercussions. So, the interior design will have to incorporate the many moods people want to enjoy within their own homes. 

Individualistic Style: Since we are spending so much time at home these days, we would really want the space to speak for ourselves. So, the décor will indicate who we are as persons or professionals. Our interiors will offer ample opportunities for self-expressions leading to a highly individualistic style of decoration. So, your living room, bedroom and even bathroom become an extension of yourself. Even the kitchen will showcase your new-found love for cooking. 

Bathroom as Spa: What can be a better place than a spa to soothe the nerves in these highly tense times? But a spa is not so safe to visit still, so why not transform your bathroom into one? Irrespective of the size of the space, you could create a dreamy and relaxing space with good mood lighting, candles, flowers, your favourite artworks and accessories, and a piece of furniture to sink into. And don’t forget to treat your olfactory senses. 

Bathroom or spa

Calming Neutrals: We need colours to cheer us, but we also need calm. So, we will embrace neutral backgrounds that anchor us and bring in that essential sense of comfort and relaxation. Pastel wall paints, sofas and loungers in light shades allow us to add our favourite colours as accent notes in the right doses.

Celebratory Décor: We have seen how short and fragile life is. So, we are in the mood to be grateful and celebrate what we have. Our home décor can create an eternal jubilant air to have friends and families over and spend quality time together. We will be more responsible in our treatment of our surroundings, and we will celebrate Nature, we will celebrate life. Bring in more cheer, colour and vigour into our interiors and see how happy it will make you. 

Celebratory Decor

Floral Power: What can spell cheerfulness than a bright patch of florals? Whether as delicate prints or large manifestations, in vibrant colours or muted watercolour effect, florals are timeless features that never fail. The best part is, you don’t have to do much to add them. Just a few throw cushions, a throw on the sofa, a rug, a table lamp, an artwork… there are many ways to include florals. If you don’t mind investing a little money, you can go for floral curtains, wallpapers or upholstery for your sofa or accent chair. And of course, nothing beats the zesty nature of fresh flowers. 

Floral Power

Kitchen Confidential: Through the past year, the kitchen has emerged as the centre of all activity as people cooked up a storm to overcome the stress and challenges of the new normal. Families gathered together and tried new recipes, even those who never cooked or baked, tried their hand at it for the first time, and discovered the therapeutic power of it all. So, in 2021, kitchen design will come under focus. People will do up their kitchens with lot of more enthusiasm, adding colour, customisation and style. 


Home Office: It’s official, work from home is here to stay. So now is the time to create a dedicated and a fully planned office space at home. No more working from make-shift desks that we made do with last year. An office space that speaks for you, and takes care of all the peculiar needs of your work is a must. It should also be ergonomically sound and comfortable to work for long hours without distractions. A space that will house all the paraphernalia required in a smart way, and has enough storage for a clutter-free and chic look. It will be a place that you will be happy to show off during video calls and Zoom meetings. 

Home Office

Nature-Friendly Décor: The worst is behind us, and now we want to brace up to do our bit to take care of nature. So, we will be looking at a design language that will be sensitive to environment. We will choose materials with care, and go for processes that don’t hurt the planet. We won’t shy away from using recycled or upcycled objects. We will also bring nature closer home by decorating with greenery. 

Nature Friendly decor

By Ms. Meenu Agarwal

Founder & Interior Designer

MADS Creations

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