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11 Most Creative Houses You Will Love to Visit

Nothing brings man and nature together quite like tree house. It takes what nature has given and, through ingenuity and heart, transforms it into an amazing space! The space can be anything – from a hangout space to an observation spot. The creation can even lead to the most creative houses with all necessary amenities and luxuries.

Tree houses – from a kid’s play house to an adult’s extraordinary creative idea

A tree house is almost a rite of passage for children, as the little nooks become safe spaces where they can come into their own. It is set above the ground at a height that is not menacing. And this only adds to their allure. So, what happens when the love for tree houses stays until adulthood? You get some jaw-dropping creations by both enthusiasts and professional architects that make you want to live out in the woods. This collection showcases some of the most creative houses, tucked away in nature, which will make you want to leave it all behind!

Silky Oaks Lodge, Australia

Silky-Oaks-Lodge tree house- one of the amazing tree houses


It is a worthy start to our list of the most creative houses of the world. The Silky Oaks Lodge is a lush resort located in Queensland Australia. Set along the Mossman Gorge River, this world-renowned eco-lodge immerses you into the nature in the most luxurious ways. Although it is a bit more palatial than what a typical treehouse is, it nonetheless embraces the theme. You would quickly realize so sitting in the treehouse restaurant, sipping on some fine wine. It will provide you the scope to enjoy the unadulterated breezes that only a rainforest can provide. Plus, it is the ideal launching place for an expedition into the Daintree National Park or an afternoon dive into the river. The Silky Oaks offers this and a lot more.

4TreeHouse in Muskoka, Canada

amazing tree houses


Once a playful looking lakeside was transformed into a wonderful Japanese-inspired tree house by Lukasz Kos. It sits right next to Lake Muskoka in Ontario. 4TreeHouse is sustainably built around four fir trees. Not only it is amazing that the architect was able to work with the existing trees without infringing on their structure, but that he also created three levels in the treehouse. The result is a masterpiece that offers light in abundance and spectacular views of the Lake and the surrounding forest. Wind is of concern, so the house has some steel cable reinforcements that also blend into the environment. It is a beautiful project beautifully executed. And it is a representation of what harmony with nature means.

Monbazillac Tree house in Dordogne, France

amazing tree houses


A châteaux experience is best had in France. If you are looking for something rather unique, the Monbazillac Treehouse offers as much. It is one among four in the Chateaux dans les Arbres and it offers an atypical experience where nature and luxury blend into one another. Though the actual space of the Treehouse is modest at the best, it does not feel inadequate when you step inside. It offers you a Jacuzzi, a swimming pool at ground level, and a chef. The Monbazillac gives something that you won’t find anywhere else. With a good book, some fine French wine, and of course cheese, this is one Treehouse you will want to visit. And you are spoilt for choice based on how many guests you are entertaining in this most creative house.

Mirror Tree House in Sweden


This ambitious creation by Thomas & Videgard sounded almost too surreal for reality, but it did come to life as the most creative house. The Tree hotel is the first of six to be built, and it is quite ‘something’. It is a glass cube, four meters on each side, and it sits on pillars of harvested wood.  The eco-resort blends into the environment with its reflective sidings. One should truly feel at one with nature when living there. All modern amenities are present and there is a special film coating to make it visible to birds.

The Bird’s Nest in Sweden

most creative houses


The master craftsmanship of nesting birds is what inspired this particular creation. Its resemblance to an actual birds nest is uncanny. Its façade is completely interwoven, and it sits a few meters above the ground. While it looks unfinished on the outside, it is anything but on the inside. With premium wood finishing on the interior, two separate bedrooms, an incineration toilet and free Wi-Fi, it is as fine as fine can get in the pine forest. This cozy resort is not cheap, but the experience of the stay is surely priceless.

Free Spirit Sphere Treehouses in Canada

most creative houses


The Spirit Sphere Treehouses look almost otherworldly! These most creative houses come with perfect spherical shapes and carefully designed window configurations. These are marvelous works of engineering, and stay lifted off the ground, with suspended walkways leading into them. Exquisitely located in a lush forest in British Columbia these creative houses are more spacious than what they appear at first glance. These can accommodate two and are all luxurious. They have heated interiors, purified water, and exclusive work spaces. These are perfect for those moments in life when you need inspiration away from all the noise and chaos of the big cities.

Teahouse Tetsu in Yamanashi Japan

most creative house


A Japanese entry obviously had to be featured in this list of the most creative houses. No other entry is quite as prideful as the Teahouse Tetsu in Yamanashi Japan. The Fujimori creation looks fantastical and almost removed from reality. Against its pink backdrop as it is mostly represented, the Teahouse that sits on a singular Cypress Trunk. It’s minimalist and fun, but still modern in its offerings. Its interior is quite exquisite with heavy wood accents.

Plane Tree house in Costa Rica

most creative house


While this one doesn’t conform to the typical definition of a treehouse, it does however sit well on our list of the most creative houses. It is based on a Vintage 727 fuselage and sits 50 feet above ground. This house is well nestled inside the National Park of Manuel Antonio. You can tell there was a lot of architectural work put into the design. Its offerings include a Jacuzzi, a restaurant, and accommodation for six, which is well finished in wood. The expansive views of the forest and Pacific Ocean are welcome additions that make the Hotel Costa Verde property worth a stay.

Tree house by Takashi Kobayashi in Japan

most creative house


Takashi Kobayashi is a renowned figure in Japan for his Treehouse Company. He envisions a world where we can live in nature without any feelings of separation. This beautiful creation is arguably his most exquisite creation that continues his narrative of wanting harmony. His method or process of creating the most creative house is quite inspiring as well.

The Hemloft Treehouse in Whistler, one of the most creative houses in Canada

most creative houses


What happens when you are successful at 26 and have a passion for carpentry? You build something cool- or at least that is what Joel Allen thought when he ventured out to create his adult version of a tree house. Blending right into the forests of Whistler, The Hemloft is very tastefully designed. It has one of the most lovable minimalist designs.

Hapuku Lodge in New Zealand

most creative houses


The natural beauty of New Zealand is unrivaled and one of the best ways to experience it is in the Hapuku Tree houses in New Zealand. Set in the treetops, these houses offer you uninhibited views of the mountains, seas, and deer park. The tree house rooms are the best in the luxury lodge and have the best offerings – from the views to the evening experiences. Hapuku offers one of the best ways to experience the Island in the south. If you go all out and go for the tree house options, you will carry with you a memory that lasts a lifetime.

Granted most of these tree houses are commercially availed, but that should take nothing from their allure. In a perfect world, tree houses would be the norm and not the exception. It would represent our oneness with nature, and promote a way of living that would be simple and sustainable. The true beauty with tree houses is that they don’t have to cost a lot. Our list may suggest different but it is the reality as long as the space and the creativity exist.

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