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10 Things You Need to Know Before You Buy a Smartwatch

If you are reading this, then it means that you’ve already made up your mind to buy a smartwatch. If that’s the case, then don’t worry.

You’ve come to the right place. This blog is going to cover you with everything that you need to know about getting a smartwatch according to your requirements.

So, without any further ado, here’s what you need to know before you buy a new smartwatch.

Know About the Basics

If you are looking for a smartwatch, then you need to lay some groundwork. It means that you have to keep three basic things in mind as the thumb rule when you are looking for a new smartwatch. These three things include:

  • Compatibility
  • Price
  • Battery life

Know About the Basics

Now, let’s talk about each of these three things in detail and see why they should be the deciding factor of whether you should get a particular watch or not.

Compatibility of the Watch

The compatibility of the watch should always be the first thing that you see in a watch. It is important because if you are getting an apple watch, then you must know that it is only going to work with Apple devices. However, if you go with “Wear OS” devices, then they’ll go nice with both iOS and Android.

If you are going with Samsung, koretrak, Garmin, Polar, or other such brands, then you should know that they are also compatible with both iOS and Android. Above all, the number of apps you can use on your watch also depends on the type of smartwatch you are using. So, make sure that the watch you are going is both compatible with your phone and supports all the apps that you need to use via your smartwatch.

Price of the Watch

Next comes the price of the watch. Just like all things, smartwatches come in a variety of price ranges. However, the prices keep getting up with the increase in the number of features and the brand. However, a good smartwatch generally costs between $ 200 and $ 350. But, if you are looking for a smartwatch on budget, then you’ll be able to get it for somewhere $ 100 and $ 200.

However, you must know that some companies also make watches with specialized features, and such watches fall under the category of luxury smartwatches. Hence, they can cost you up to $ 1000.

So, figure out your budget and narrow down your options in that budget. It’ll help you to choose the best watch in the kind of budget you have.

Battery Life of the Watch

The third basic deciding metric is the battery life of the watch that you are going to buy. It is important because the battery life of the smartwatches still remains one of the biggest complaints about them. But, you don’t have to worry about it because some strides have been made recently.

So, if you are looking for a smartwatch in 2020, the chances are that you’ll get one with good battery life. But, it is still important that you read the reviews about the battery life of the watch that you are going to buy if you don’t want to waste your money.

Apart from these basic factors, there are some other very important things that you need to see in a smartwatch before you watch it.

Here’s what you need to look for in a smartwatch:

Fitness Tracking of the Smartwatch

Fitness Tracking of the Smartwatch
One of the most common reasons that make people buy smartwatches is to track their activity throughout the day. If your reason for buying a smartwatch is also the same, then you must know that a basic smartwatch should be able to log your steps, calories, and workouts. Some of the watches even have built-in heart rate monitors.

These are the basic things that you should be looking at when it comes to fitness tracking. But, if you want to go any further, then there is a huge variety available with additional features like GPS on board, waterproofing for swimmers, etc.

Will you Able to Play Your Favorite Music

One can simply not imagine achieving their daily workout goals without listening to their favorite music. Therefore, you need to make sure that your smartwatch is able to play your jogging jams to keep you entertained while you burn some fats.

Some watches let you save your music locally. It means that you can connect your wireless earbuds and enjoy your favorite music without whipping out your phone every time you need to change the song.

Do You Want to Pay Through Your Watch

Do you know that you can even pay your bills without taking your card or wallet out? Yes, you heard it at night. Many smartwatches have NFC. It means that you can pay for things through your watch.

So, if you want to hold your smartwatch up to an NFC reader to pay for a cup of coffee, if you are getting late from work, then it is no big deal.
Do You Want to Pay Through Your Watch
If this feature excites you, then all you have to do is make sure that the smartwatch you are getting must have NFC support.

The list of features of smartwatches goes on and on. However, no matter what kind of watch you are picking, make sure that you read their detailed reviews before buying them.

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