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: Trump reportedly plans to issue around 100 pardons Tuesday

President Donald Trump plans to pardon or commute the sentences of around 100 people Tuesday, according to reports Sunday night.

CNN first reported the plans, and said White House officials met Sunday night to finalize the list. Axios separately confirmed the report.

The actions are expected to include white-collar criminals and political allies, along with some reform-minded pardons, according to the reports. But CNN said Trump is not expected to pardon himself.

Read: These are the people Trump has pardoned — or still could pardon

Separately, the New York Times reported Sunday that some in Trump’s circle have been monetizing pardons, with a former CIA officer convicted of illegally disclosing classified information reportedly being told a pardon could be had for $ 2 million.

CNN reported Tuesday’s batch of pardons are expected to be all that are coming, barring a last-minute change of heart in which Trump could break with the plan and pardon himself or family members.

Advisers have warned Trump against pardoning himself because it would imply guilt, CNN reported, and have also recommended against clemency for any Capitol rioters.

Trump has already pardoned a number of political allies who have been convicted of various crimes, including Roger Stone, Michael Flynn and Paul Manafort.

Meanwhile, the Trump administration on Saturday carried out its 13th execution, in an unprecedented flurry that saw three federal death sentences carried out at a federal prison in Indiana last week alone. There had been no federal executions for 17 years before the Trump administration started carrying them out again in 2020. No president in 120 years has overseen as many federal executions, according to the Associated Press.

Trump can issue pardons up until his term is officially over — at noon Wednesday.

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