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Sunroom Breakfast Nook

Did you see the sneak peak of this room over on my Instagram stories? I was feeling a little unsure of what I wanted to do in our sunroom after moving a sofa into the library & a new island into the kitchen. We also have been working on our back living room area so we didn’t need the sofa in the sunroom anymore … but I knew I still wanted some sort of seating area here. I wasn’t sure what until I found this table & just like that everything came together to create this cozy cottage breakfast nook in the sunroom! We have been working on many spaces behind the scenes and I haven’t been sharing as much as I usually do, but I needed a little break of sharing daily, but don’t worry I will be catching you up o all of the changes asap.

We used to have a breakfast nook a few months ago & had removed that when we switched things up in the kitchen because in our past seasons & the way the house was set up to be honest we were not using it a ton. Well, of course now we are in a different season of life & Copey is in a different stage & a breakfast nook seemed like a good idea now. We decided that we didn’t always want to be eating in our formal dining room table, so we thought we’d bring back the breakfast nook. I love that this breakfast nook sits right by the windows so we can soak in and enjoy all of the light our sunroom brings in!

The table was super affordable from Home Depot, linked here! It is currently out of stock but you can sign up to receive an email notification when it is back in stock. I used milk paint to give it a little makeover. Milk paint is a powder that you mix with water to turn into paint! I used the color Raw Silk on this piece, it is white but it’s more of a warm mushroom taupe white vs bright white. The main reason I used milk paint was that I had it on hand & didn’t feel like going out to buy something else. You could use whatever your favorite furniture paint is if you wanted to do the same thing!

In the sunroom, I really wanted to create some warmth and texture by mixing woods and whites! I found these gorgeous wood and cane chairs at an antique shop & I thought they went perfect in this spot. I also brought in this rolling rack to give another wood texture here! I feel like this is what really made this spot complete. It feels like a cozy spot to sit and eat as a family, drink coffee, and just relax. Speaking of sitting, these cozy chairs are from a local antique store here in Grand Rapids.

It’s the best feeling when a room starts to come all together & click. I love the way this sunroom breakfast nook has turned out and I’m sure I’ll have more updates to share soon here. Now I’m just gonna go enjoy this little nook with the family! I hope this shows how you can create a cozy spot to eat even with a small table. Thank you so much for stopping by the blog today and every day.

xx liz marie

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