Home / Interior Design / Pine Apothecary Cabinet

Pine Apothecary Cabinet

Sometimes you find a dream item and know you can’t pass it up & this was one of those finds! We found this large pine apothecary cabinet in an auction a few weeks ago and I knew we would find a way to use this whether it was in our store or here on the farm. If you’ve been following the blog for a while you probably know how much I love antique cabinets. This one is really large, so I wasn’t sure whether it would be better in our house or in the shop, but it fits perfectly on this wall in our house so it’s here for now!

When I found this cabinet I knew right away that this was a dream cabinet. It’s not every day that you come across a cabinet that was handmade in the 1800s [can you believe that?!]. And a cabinet this large makes a great alternative to built-ins. We had this large wall in our front living room that we considered building something on, but this piece here solves the large wall issue. I cannot wait to get started styling this piece!

I plan to use it the same way we use our built-ins … style it slowly overtime! I love using cabinets and builtins to collect things. They are the perfect spot to display my favorite collections and I can only image how gorgeous my collections will look in this apothecary cabinet. This might take me a little bit to fully style considering how large the cabinet is, but I cannot wait to keep you guys updated on this piece! I did throw some things in the cabinet before I quickly took some photos today, but I haven’t really started styling the piece yet.

This wall in our living room is large and this apothecary cabinet manages to fill the space perfectly which honestly when I picked the piece up I was thinking there was no way we would fit it I the house and that it would have to go right to the store. Sometimes it is a little bit of challenge to style cabinets on this wall because even when they are large cabinets they end up looking small in comparison to the wall. So it’s pretty rare that I find anything that can fill this entire wall in our living room. I think I found a large enough piece haha.

As far as future plans go for this cabinet I plan to spend more time styling it & show that to you soon! Next to the cabinet, there will be two new windows. The windows will definitely add more light into the space & really brighten things up in here! I’m also considering waxing or bleaching the pine but not really sure, let me know what we you think on Instagram. I will be sure to keep you posted & take you along with me. Thank you for visiting the blog today and every day, I hope you feel inspired every time you are here!

xx liz marie

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