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Antique Bookshelf In The Kitchen

This past week I had one of those “Liz Marie” thoughts when I was walking out of Cope’s room & this one resulted in me pulling my back out , but it was fun to see the final result so I wanted to share it with you today. This isn’t something that is sticking in our home or staying like this, but it was fun to try & I wanted to show you that your kitchen shelving doesn’t have to be basic. It can be something unique like an antique bookshelf…

This bookshelf was one that I had in Cope’s room that held all his books. I wanted to organize his books more than I had them on this shelf so I decided to take it downstairs, but when I saw it this last time I was like “wait, will this fit on the kitchen counter?” & much to Jose’s dismay it did. We have shown many many different kitchen shelf ideas in the past which you can see a lot of them [HERE]. Well, this is just another quick idea for kitchen shelving. You can find bookshelves everywhere from flea markets to antique shops to new ones at any home decor shop, but this one of ours was found at a local antique shop & I’ve always loved it.

This bookshelf was one that I had in Cope’s room that held all his books. I wanted to organize his books more than I had them on this shelf so I decided to take it downstairs, but when I saw it this last time I was like “wait, will this fit on the kitchen counter?” & much to Jose’s dismay it did. We have shown many many different kitchen shelf ideas in the past which you can see a lot of them [HERE]. Well, this is just another quick idea for kitchen shelving. You can find bookshelves everywhere from flea markets to antique shops to new ones at any home decor shop, but this one of ours was found at a local antique shop & I’ve always loved it.

I love that adding a bookshelf on top of the cabinets offers an opportunity to add an antique element into a kitchen. It creates a custom look to any kitchen & also gives you a chance to bring in another finish or color. Here of course it’s nice to see the warm pop of wood against all of those white cabinets. We of course got really lucky and this bookshelf fit perfectly here, but you can find some to fit your space. If you find a bookshelf that falls short of your space, but you are going to paint it anyways, you can build some custom trim for the top of the bottom to make it fit better.

I hope you guys liked seeing this random idea I had. I love the cozy factor it added to our kitchen. I had fun trying something new per usual & I was excited to share it with you in hopes that it would give someone a new idea for their space. Thank you so much for stopping by the blog & be sure to pin this for later! xx Liz Marie

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